
Why is it so hard for me to balance my life. Too much work. Too much play. Too much crafts. It's only bad because I forget there are other things that are important. I realized today I hadn't gone to yoga in 5 months. What? That's crazy. I love yoga. What happened? What happened to my bike I loved riding so much? What about slumber-parties with my friends? Traveling? Cooking new recipes not just the old standbys. So, in addition to the MMAFC, I will attempt to balance things. Some old, some new. I have also recently realized I don't like to do some of the things that I think I do. Maybe I used to, so I assume I still do, but that may not be the case. Conversely, there are things I love to do now that I never thought I would. So balance will be one of my new intentions. A little more play. A little more relaxing. Be a better friend. A better sister. A better wife. Watch movies with subtitles. Read more books. Meditate. Take self defense classes. Be confident. Offer to help others who need it. Remember how to draw. Go to more plays. Let go of the guilt associated with relaxing.
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