There are 2 Rules to the Art-Fight Club. The first rule about the Art Fight Club is, Do it. The second rule, No Excuses.
I am currently reading a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. This morning while drinking my coffee and reading said book, I came across a sentence that really struck me. Pg 78 " The more elements make up your identity, the less threatening it is when any one element is threatened." For example if you lose your job, you wont be crushed because you have other versions of yourself that are not affected. You might be an awesome writer, artist, parent, dog walker, seamstress, musician...what have you. These things make up who you really are. The things you really identify with. If you by chance had a job that you did love, well, I don't know who you are but you'll figure it out:-)
I have decided as a personal goal, I am going to do something wildly artistic everyday. Will this change the world? Probably not, well maybe a little. But it will change me. I love art. Everything about it. The process. The smell of paint. Making huge messes. But most importantly, forcing myself to be willing to take risks and fail. Failure is what keeps people from trying new things, myself included. This ends today.
I feel as a society we get lost in the roles we play in other people's lives. Why do we forget who we are. Why do we dismiss our dreams so easily?Let us remember who we are. Who we see ourselves as without a mirror.? It's time we live out our real 'lives,' instead of our 'maybe one day lives.'
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